DeltaTrak 16002 In-Transit Temperature Chart Recorder, Range 0 To 65°C
The permanent records produced by these temperature chart recorders serve as corroborating evidence for insurance claims, quality assurance documentation, and protection of your valuable products. Models are available from 5 days to 90 days transit periods with three temperature ranges. DeltaTrak's In-Transit Temperature Chart Recorder, Model 16000-16502, is a highly reliable, time and temperature strip chart recorder used to record environmental conditions encountered during storage and transportation of food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other temperature-sensitive commodities in refrigerated trucks, rail cars, ocean and air freight containers. The In-Transit Temperature Chart Recorders are specially engineered with a light and durable vented case for superior air circulation and faster temperature response. These chart recorders provide maximum accuracy and generate a permanent record of transit conditions on a 36" (91cm) strip chart. A view port allows the operator to visually confirm activation after pulling the start-up tab.